As one of women’s intimate little things, the purse is as important as the handbag. Wallets are cheaper than handbags, so when you want a change of mood and style, you can easily switch to a new wallet. And how to choose a suitable wallet, today share with you how to choose a wallet experience.
Wallets are generally divided into short and long styles. Long wallets give people the feeling of intellectual elegance, but some lack of portability, when you want to change a small handbag to go out, the size of the long wallet will become a big problem, and short wallets are smaller, although not as feminine as long wallets, but also better in the concise style.
Short wallets and long wallets are generally divided into two and three grids. Generally speaking, the short horizontal version of the two fold wallet is more suitable for men to use, women choose a short purse, it is recommended to choose three discount. Although the three lattice wallet will increase a certain thickness, but from the practical point of view, for the card more people, you can choose the multi-lattice wallet.
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In addition, wallet in the choice of color is also quite particular, generally speaking, gold, silver and brown are good for money, while purple, bright red, will let you show good taste. Orange, light green and bright yellow give the feeling of youth and liveliness, while the classic colors of black and white give the feeling of elegance. In addition to solid colors, you can also choose some classic LOGO pattern purse.
Finally, we need to remind you that when buying a wallet, we must pay attention to the material of the wallet. Compared to the handbag, the opening and closing times of the wallet will be much more, so the wallet is more likely to be damaged than the handbag. If you choose poor material, then your wallet may be broken after a period of time, so it is better to spend more money. Also invest in a nice leather wallet!
Post time: Jan-06-2023