A. Choose the volume of the backpack according to the number of loaded items If the travel time is short, and are not ready to camp outdoors, carrying not many items, it is appropriate to select A small volume of the backpack, the general instruction 25 to 45 liters is enough. The general structure of this backpack is relatively simple, no external or less external, in addition to a main bag, usually set up 3-5 bags, easy to classify and load items, if the travel time is longer, or need to carry camping equipment, you should choose a large bag, 50 liters to 70 liters is appropriate. If you need to load more items or larger volume, you can choose 80+20 liters of large backpack, or more external backpack.
B. According to the use of the backpack, the type of backpack is the same as the hiking bag, but its use is not the same. Such as climbing bags specially designed for climbing activities, generally do not design hard support, in order to facilitate portability, more external hanging points, in order to facilitate the hanging equipment, some styles are also specially equipped with finishing equipment MATS. The bicycle series bags designed for riding pay more attention to the characteristics of riding, which can be divided into back bags, bags and so on. The general sense of hiking bag, also known as camping backpack, design takes into account the characteristics of various sports forms and the needs of long-distance march, suitable for mountaineering, adventure and woodland crossing activities. There is also a backpack specially designed for long-distance travel, called a multi-purpose bag or a bag, its split structure is basically the same as the mountaineering bag, can be double shoulder back, upper and lower layers, and similar to a suitcase, the cover opening, can be a single shoulder back, can also be horizontal and vertical, the size of the package has a conjoined structure, can be divided and combined to use convenient, very popular with business travelers. In short, all kinds of backpacks have their own unique scope of application, and the best choice for purchasing a bag is a special bag.
C. According to the body selection of carrying system size backpack carrying system has a specific scope of application, adjustable backpack although the scope of application is larger, it is not unlimited, so choose a backpack to choose the size of the carrying system is very important. What size is appropriate? Generally speaking, the waist stress point of the backpack should be on the waist socket above the tailbone, and the fulcrum of the shoulder strap should be roughly flat with the shoulder slightly lower than the shoulder, so as to facilitate the adjustment and stress of the stress belt, and the back is comfortable. The back size is too large to produce a feeling of falling, on the contrary, there will be a longitudinal feeling, so that the waist force is not in place. After the appropriate size adjustment, the backpack will naturally stick to the back, very comfortable.

Post time: Jun-16-2023